Want to note something that was reported to the police? Want to mention a rumor that would be circling? This is the place! Whether it's gossip, news, or something more serious, please be clear about what is being spread. What's the information? Who would be hearing it? And if it's related to a specific thread, please link the thread so people can read for more context.
Do you want to see how things might play out based on what's happening in your characters story? Do you think it might make an interesting jumping off point for a site plot?
When posting a rumor or event, please mention that you're okay with the staff using it as part of a plot. Not every post may end up as one, but staff will use happenings as springboards with player permission.
Do you want to see how things might play out based on what's happening in your characters story? Do you think it might make an interesting jumping off point for a site plot?
When posting a rumor or event, please mention that you're okay with the staff using it as part of a plot. Not every post may end up as one, but staff will use happenings as springboards with player permission.