Starlit Avenue

Welcome to Starlit Avenue! We are an 18+ account-per-player forum roleplay, focused on a supernatural community in the Pacific Northwest. We are a slice-of-life style roleplay focusing on interpersonal drama and the struggles that come with being a discreet community of supernatural beings living in close proximity to mundane humans. To see more of what we have to offer, check out our guidebook, linked at the top of the site.

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This counts right?


Mar 26, 2021
New me coming makes this fit right? Where to start with this? A few of you have known that I've been going through some stuff recently. That stuff I'd rather not really get into, but within that stuff something else came up. Talking to some of you, joking around, and random events on Final Fantasy got me really looking at myself. I finally figure it was time I needed to face it myself. I may end up rambling on this, but I want this to come out as pure and unfiltered as it possibly can.

Well...I am bisexual...I think. I'm still very nervous, very confused, and very worried about opening up more than here. Most of you know I'm military, and while the culture is trying to and is slowly changing, it is just that...slow. I've had countless people start feeling comfortable around me and the slurs and jokes started coming out and I've had to shut it down. I have gone to bat for several joes who faced discrimination related to this, but the thought of having to do it myself is terrifying. Hell the thought of opening up to my partner who is also bisexual is terrifying.

Besides the military I was raised in a very southern christian household and family and my mother who I love to the end of the earth is very strong in their faith. I feel she would be understanding as she has been to several friends who came out to her, but there's that fear of losing the rock I've had my entire life. I'm not sure about the rest of my family and especially my dad...

So, I'm completely new at this. When I say new I mean at the finer details. Like I know I could say I'm bisexual, and within that there are other bits as well that paint a more detailed picture. I'm sure I'll figure more out as things go, but yea, I'll spare the nitty gritty details. I'm gonna tentatively go ahead and say I don't mind talking about this? Obviously that might change. But yea...This is...this is me. And now that this is all out, I'm gonna go try to calm my nerves and get my hands to stop shaking.
Congrats on FFXIV turning you bisexual. Happens to the best of us.

On a more serious note, I'm happy you've discovered more of your identity. It's rough when you're not sure who will accept you, but know that you'll always find comfort and reassurance here. I'm sure lots of us, myself included, are open to giving you advice or just being a soundboard for you to ramble at.

I am in the clouds rn but what I'm trying to say is that wii u family.
Screw you keen. Making me feel stuff and junk. <3

And thanks Ball!