Starlit Avenue

Welcome to Starlit Avenue! We are an 18+ account-per-player forum roleplay, focused on a supernatural community in the Pacific Northwest. We are a slice-of-life style roleplay focusing on interpersonal drama and the struggles that come with being a discreet community of supernatural beings living in close proximity to mundane humans. To see more of what we have to offer, check out our guidebook, linked at the top of the site.

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The NEK0 Lab Raid Signups and Info

If you need someone to go specifically after Kachi, Nion could be it.

Well, there won't be any teams assigned to go after takeo or kachi specifically. They'll just be dealt with when/if a team runs into them. I'll discord chat at you
Character: Brian Hadley
Team: Lab
Involvement: Very concerned for his family's safety in this case (and he needs an outlet for The Violence™️
due to circumstances it looks like we'll be kicking this off on March 1 and running through that weekend.

I may have an obligation March 1 from 6-8pm central us time, if I can't get out of it, and March 1 is a workday for me (so I will be slow until my workday ends or winds down, and may need to call intermittent pauses for meetings). Other than that, my schedule for that weekend is entirely cleared out.

EDIT - see next post
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I no longer have any obligations near the end of Friday except for a small amount of database stuff I can easily balance with running this. I should be able to officially kick this off just after FRIDAY, MARCH 1 just before 3PM Central US time.

I've also added Nion and a few shim characters to the list after a discussion with @GrimRPer and @Shim offsite.
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Character: Sylvi Thorsblood
Team: Lab
Involvement: Learned of the raid through Artemis.

As a side note to this, Charlotte is also gonna be dealing with whatever nonsense Maple is gonna try to pull, and Katie will be on standby for the raid to heal anyone who gets hurt as best as she can.
Finally - for everyone else's awareness, Artemis would let people know about how Nion is planning to try to save Meipuru from having to die in defense of the lab. It is a somewhat convoluted plan that involved Radia meeting Meipuru in the form of a fox and giving her a 'prophecy' during the course of hacking into the lab's systems - but those details aren't too important for everyone to know. The punchline is, Nion is hoping to speak to Meipuru personally if she's spotted at the facility.

This post in the "Denial of Service" thread has some context for that.

Also, thanks to Radia and Lily's work, the group will be able to disable all nek0 geofencing (the system that shocks nek0 through their control chips if they leave a certain area) on the day of the raid. Shara will also be able to lock everyone from the nek0 company out of using the alien camera system except for her.
Day 1 Summary
I had to skim past this, but we can assume at some point that at least most of the group came to Japan through one of Artemis's portals. From there, with a combination of hiking and using Malina's powers extensively along a route she'd learned in advance, the forest team got into position, while Artemis and the lab team made their own preparations.

Forest Team

After arriving at a spot over a mile from the lab's perimeter, Malina was finally about to start explaining how she would teleport in when Nion reached them via motorbike. She is irritated with him for being late, but presses on. As part of the plan she asks Sam to stay near where they ported in and use his empath powers plus the radio to watch out for anything weird. Eventually, she gives a little pep talk before porting everyone in. "...fight like hell. In life or in song, we'll all be heroes when the sun sets on us."

The group successfully takes the front gate. After killing the guards there, Nion shuts it and deploys tire spikes he found at the front gate. Ava uses her powers to actually weld the gate shut. This is when Malina gives the lab team the green light to start, now that they've really kicked the hornet's nest. A couple of the guards they've now killed had radios, which mentioned something in Japanese about setting their energy weapons to kill, though neither of the japanese speakers on the team have mentioned this to the others.

Using her rifle scope, Malina saw that some guards have some manner of laser sword. She said that she's going to go cause some chaos, picking off a few guards with her hunting rifle from different locations. She leaves the forest team to their own devices for a while.

After she leaves, Ava is shot in the head. It's fine - it was only a suppressed .22 and it just kind of bounced off her head. It might bruise but it's not a huge deal for her. Another suppressed .22 hits Kurumi in the shoulder, not doing too much damage. Apex durability! Meipuru's voice came in over the radio for a bit, mentioning over the radio in Japanese that she can't really do anything to the people who came in with the gun she has.

Lab Team

While waiting for Malina's signal, Artemis and the others review the plan. Artemis mentions wanting to cast a spell to 'keep anyone from getting in or out' of the building. Brian is just fully in dogperson mode. Everyone is nervous. Sylvi gives a rousing little speech, including the line "Our deeds here today will be remembered forever. Today we fight for freedom, and justice."

She also advises everyone to have a 'battle brother or sister' to promote unit cohesion, saying 'Stick with them at all times, and do not let yourselves get separated.' That seems to have shaken out something like this:
  • Artemis and Shara are battle siblings
  • Sylvi and Suzy are battle sisters
  • By process of elimination, that leaves Rhett and Hadley as battle brothers.
After getting the go ahead from Malina, Artemis brought the lab team directly into the laboratory through one of the doors. He immediately began casting his spell. While he was doing so, Shara noticed several 'targets' through the walls and used her silenced pistol to kill them both. (We're allowing this because of the rule of cool, it was extremely tight and i encouraged kada oocly to keep it in)

Artemis's spell has now made it so that the front and back exits are connected via portal, so trying to leave the building out the back door will just send you back in through where the front door would normally lead you. The team used this to take the guards holed up near the front door by surprise, eliminating all of them.

It seems like his spell did the same thing to the entrances - trying to go in through the front door will just send you out the back door. The guards outside are just now realizing this, and one guard is having a really hard time explaining this to the others over the radio.
Day 2 Summary
(I basically put in an 8 hour shift running this event today lmao. But it's been fun! Lots of love and appreciation to everyone participating or even just following along. I think we can wrap it up with tomorrow's session and move on to followups)

Forest Team
Malina teleported off to cause some chaos. After shooting the outside lab guards from a few different angles, she caused a lot of chaos in their ranks. While this happens, Ava uses her powers to create cover for the team from incoming small-caliber sniper fire or laser fire. Leloo managed to take out a man who was making a beeline for the fence, presumably meaning to cut his way out with one of those plasma katanas.

Nion was fixated on finding the blonde catgirl spotted on the roof, whom he suspected to be the sniper who nonlethally hit Ava in the head with a .22LR round, He split off from the group and spent most of his time during this day's session focused on trying to find her, including pretending to call for sniper support over the radio, with some acting that led to that was followed by that radio channel going silent. He eventually did find the suspected sniper, learning that she was Maple, and knocking her on her ass with some kind of lightning punch when she tried to kill him. While she was trying to get her senses back, He continued to try to sell her on the idea that their meeting was prophesied. He is very much fixated on keeping her alive through this. In recognition of this, she decided to stop trying to kill him, specifically, and later ran off towards the lab.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team - mainly Kurumi, Ava, and Leloo - heard from Malina over the radio that there was a squad of lab guards headed to an odd structure - a model house of some sort to the southeast of the main lab building. They head over there and find someone from inside the building shooting at the approaching guards with one of the lasers. they take some hits in the process of eliminating the guards outside, with kurumi losing some feeling in her arms, ava taking some laser hits to her wings, and leloo getting slashed on the leg with one of those plasma katanas.

Inside the model house, Kurumi and Ava find more dead lab staff, and three scared catgirl maids who seemingly took advantage of the chaos to kill their trainers. Kurumi and Ava convince the catgirls not to run off to town on their own, and promise to protect them. Another squad of lab guards come to the model house and get wrecked by this trio.

One of the Olcans, Oscar, was left guarding the gate with his partner Astrid at this time. He reports via radio that two people jumped the fence, one of them had some kind of anti-bullet shield and the other was a green oni who could seemingly teleport. they have swords, they stabbed Astrid, and they were headed for the lab. The group was getting back together and meeting these two outside the lab when the session ended.

Lab Team
The gang notices people coming down the stairs towards them near the front entrance. Shara shouts at them in Japanese to surrender. One of them actually agrees, while the other(s?) run back upstairs, wanting no part of that, calling him an idiot who will definitely just get killed. The guard who surrenders is secured with zip-ties and interrogated (tbh i lost track of him during the scene after, maybe we just say he is left with his arms and legs zip tied on the first floor). Shara also cracks into the intercom at this time, allowing Artemis to announce an ultimatum throughout the facility to nek0 staff - surrender or die.

Anyway Shara comes up with a plan - she'll beat on the now-barricaded door at the top of the front entrance stairwell, pretending they're all trying to break through, while everyone else goes up the other stairwell to get the drop on them. This more or less works. After spotting three guards taking cover down that corridor getting ready for them to break through, Artemis and Suzy open fire on them, killing all three.

They shoot back. One laser hits Artemis, stopping his heart. Sylvi actually sees a glimpse of one of her valkyrie cousins taking his soul to valhalla.

All hell breaks loose for a little while. Sylvi and Suzy are distraught. Sylvi tries to defibrillate Artemis with her lightning powers several times, while Hadley and Rhett keep them safe from the other lab guards trying to capitalize on this distraction. Shara completely loses her shit and detonates her nonfunctional cannon arm, breaking through the barricade and sprinting, battered by her own actions, over to where Artemis is being revived. A guard manages to cut her in half at the waist with a plasma katana before she dispatches him, and uses her mouth tentacles to john carpenter herself the rest of the way down the hall.

Sylvi manages to revive Artemis. As he regains his bearings, he mentions having been in valhalla. Shara tells him this is not allowed, and he agrees to these terms. He seems to be well enough to keep going. There was a weird glow behind his eyes for a little while, there.

Sylvi notices some nek0s chattering among themselves, terrified, in one of their dorms. She kicks the door down. Later after assessing the situation, she and Hadley tell the group to hide and stay put.

The gang head down towards the basement. on the way, one of the nek0 dorm doors opens, and takeo commands the nek0s inside to stop the intruders. They proceed to attempt to do their best to do so, while three scientists rush the gang. All three of them learn at the same time as Sylvi that these plasma katanas can cut clean through Sylvi's clothes, but can do exactly jack shit to a daughter of Thor. She kills two of them, with some help from Rhett shooting one of their legs out.

Shara shot two nek0s with a stun laser, set to stun, in her mouth, before John Carpentering herself onto the last remaining scientist's back. Quote: "Good. You are my arms and legs now. Thank you for your service."

Suzy, Hadley, and Artemis manage to handle the remaining nek0s nonlethally. One of these is special guest, Penelope, who asked them nicely to surrender because she's really scared. Artemis manages to just convince her that she did everything she could and could just go back to her room now, and she does that, going and hiding, entirely unscathed. She didn't have to get kicked or stun lasered - lucky her.

Now all that's left for them is to get to the basement and clear that out.
Day 3 Summary
maybe ill flesh this out more later but im more worried about the post-raid summary tbh, the play-by-plays were mostly just useful for going from day 1>2 or 2>3

Forest Team
Forest team confronts Ken and Kachi.

Ken is kind of weirdly delighted to meet someone else who looks like him, in Kurumi. He's never seen another oni before. But he still does his best to kill the party when kachi, whom he called master, orders him to. Ken's last words before passing out (and breaking some bones) are directed at kurumi, to the effect of "I wish I could have met you in a different way." He survived and is being taken to the oni village.

Kachi and Nion apparently had some kind of history. He seemed shocked to see Nion there, and didn't really understand what that was about. After learning that the party intended to spare Maple, his last words were to shout to Maple to surrender and do what she needed to survive.

Sam was used as a stabbing implement off screen and has a new friend. Malina washed him off with a hose later. (he had a lot of blood on him)

Ava got fucked UP. Shrek (ken) basically broke her nose, and she also got zapped and bit her tongue really bad.

Kurumi generally seemed pretty irritated with Nion because of his flamboyant anime protagonist like approach to the entire situation, among other things. Though a lot of that might have been synchro? idk im not trying to read between the lines on this rn im eepy

Maple offered an imprinter to the party, admitted to having tried to kill them all earlier, and claimed that she might just go back to doing that once her de-imprinting shot kicked in unless someone imprinted her. Nobody took her up on that.

Lab Team
After some planning, the gang went into the basement and killed the shit out of Takeo. Artemis and Suzy got he killing blows. Sylvi took his soul to Niflheim lmao
Post-Raid Epilogue
Wanted to compile some info here so it doesn't get lost in the back and forth

What Happened with injured characters?
There was some first aid and limited magic healing on the other side of a portal Artemis made to the oni village. If anyone needed more long-term care they'd probably end up in the infirmary under Theia's temple for a while. That's where Astrid Olcan (npc stabbed by Kachi) and Holly (shot by Charles in a followup thread) ended up spending more than a day. There are probably some maltreated nek0s in this infirmary too.

Ken, for his part, is just in the Oni village now. Learning how to Oni properly, and probably mourning Kachi's death to some degree.

What Happened With the NEK0s?
First, Artemis took all of them to the Oni village via a portal he created on the lab's first floor after the raid ended. With few exceptions, all the nek0 would have been gathered together in one part of the Oni village where Artemis could give them a quick speech, explaining what had just happened, and what was going to come next for them. He told them that they were free now, that their slavers had been eliminated, and that he would do what he could to make himself personally available to all of them while they got situated and got on their feet.

Next, nek0 would find themselves in a mix of places - mainly, with a family in the oni village, in the apartments where Kurumi used to live, some apartments provided by Charlotte, and perhaps some living situations arranged by Dietrich. There was probably some amount of thought that went into placement decisions here, but im not going to put that thought in because it is not going to matter to me. Depending on where they ended up they would get a different amount / kind of support, but in general Artemis would make sure to see most of the funds available to the company used to support nek0s instead of paying the salaries of dead slavers.

Grim's character Lily Byakko has a plan to create a special mint of some sort that would make the de-imprinting process less painful for nek0s that need it in the future.

Every nek0 can expect to have gotten:
  • a wad of money for several sets of clothes to start out with
  • free housing (for at least some amount of time)
  • free food and some money for food (for some amount of time)
  • some other necessities for modern life, like phones
  • Some kind of assistance adapting to their new lives and learning to stand on their own two feet
  • opportunities to stay in touch with the other nek0s in the same boat
  • De-imprinting mints or injections as needed in most cases (your character could have fallen through the cracks on this if you want that to be a plot. This should wipe out most nek0 under orders disadvantages.)
  • some kind of effort to help with any special needs that might come up. There's probably a lot of these.
oh and Maple and Meipuru (who is also just Maple but in Japan) are going to live with Nion for at least a little while since he offered.

What's going on with the lab?
Well, first off it needed to get cleaned up. Artemis used his magic to clean up all the blood and such in the buildings on the property, while Sylvi was able to help with a lot of the outdoor evidence by calling a rainstorm after all the bodies were moved.

As for the bodies - the alien ship underneath the lab facility had a "matter recycler" that they had been using for nek0 body disposal among other things - so that made it quite easy to get rid of that evidence. They'd all be stripped of cash and certain non-identifiable valuables first, which was a pretty morbid task, but probably better than letting it all go to waste. We're not going to dwell too heavily on how these disappearances got handled legally, something something yokai helped something something handwave.

The tech in the basement is going to be mostly shut down, but kept around in case there's a use for it. One of the catgirl growing tubes was moved to Artemis's basement to enable Shara to build herself a new partially-organic body.

There was an AI in the basement that Takeo had basically lobotomized and used to do most of the hard parts of making catgirls for him. It is currently unclear what its fate would be, pending a joint decision from Shara and the members of Nion's family, but whatever the case it's not going to be around anymore to run the evil laboratory anymore.

There will be a local group keeping an eye on the place for any nek0 company goons that might show up. Consider the area under surveillance, and a few other slavers captured / killed.
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