Starlit Avenue

Welcome to Starlit Avenue! We are an 18+ account-per-player forum roleplay, focused on a supernatural community in the Pacific Northwest. We are a slice-of-life style roleplay focusing on interpersonal drama and the struggles that come with being a discreet community of supernatural beings living in close proximity to mundane humans. To see more of what we have to offer, check out our guidebook, linked at the top of the site.

Starlit Avenue's roleplay forums are hidden from guests, due to 18+ content.

Theia's Wips

Your character's name.

Tag line: A brief, one-line description of your character.

Banner Image: If you have one, please insert an image you are using for your banner (or icon). This should be no more than 200 pixels tall. This should use tags, or the insert image button.

Banner Image Credit: Please credit the artist directly for the banner image, if you use one. You only need to credit for the artist who made the banner image.


Name: placeholder

Age: Your character's age. If mental/physical/chronological age are different, please clarify.

Gender: Feel free to include pronouns as well.

Species: Imaginary creature

Occupation: What is your character's career? If they're a student, what year/grade/major?

Appearance: A one line summary of what they look like. Can be a sentence or just a brief list.

Personality: A one line summary of how they act. Can be a sentence or just a brief list.

Abilities: A one line summary of their abilities. Can be a sentence or just a brief list.

Situation: A one line summary of where they live and their monetary situation. Can be a sentence or just a brief list.

SECTION TWO: Appearance

Gallery Link: If you have an off-site gallery of images for the character, please link it here.

Height: 5'10

Body: Average build in most ways

Face: A plain white mask with animated holes for the eyes. The holes themselves change shape.

Eyes: Simple holes in the white porcelain mask that is their face, it leads to seemingly empty void within

Hair: None

Clothes: They are always clad in a cloak that covers them from head to toe, fully obscuring any part of their body underneath, if they even have a body.

Other: Any other characteristics not covered by the above? If your character has a particularly unusual appearance, how do they appear to unawakened characters?

SECTION THREE: Personality

Trait One: List a major personality trait, and explain it briefly.

Trait Two: List a major personality trait, and explain it briefly.

Trait Three: List a major personality trait, and explain it briefly.

Additional Information: Does your character have any unique mannerisms or notable reactions to certain common sights, sounds, topics, etc? Is there anything else you need to note about their personality?


Ability Format: Choose one or more of the three that applies: Custom Species (Name which one) / Spellcasting / Standard Traits.

Advantages: Unliving

Disadvantages: Truename-bound(James Maclroy)

Spellcasting: If your character has taken spellcasting, include their magic types and conditions here, using the template from the wiki page.

Core Advantage: James exists entirely within the realm of the mind, specifically, one individual mind at a time. They have no corporeal body, no definite form, and normal physics doesn't apply to them. They are hosted by an individual mind, and thus only visible by that person. They can change hosts whenever their current host makes physical contact with another person, creature, sentient entity. While within a host, they can cause the host to see things similarly to how someone can be affected by the otherworldly disruption disadvantage.

Core Disadvantage: James is anchored and lifebound to a sentient being at all times, and if that being was ever killed or had their mind destroyed by magical means, James would die as well. They can exist within 20 feet of their current host only, or within line of sight as their presence is entirely manifested within the hosts mind. They are otherwise invisible and intangible to the rest of the world unless someone's magical senses would otherwise reveal them. Things like telepaths and witches with magic sense can glean their existence.

Bonus: Telekinesis

Nerfs and Flavor: Are any of your character's advantages weaker than usual? Does anything visually unusual happen when they use their abilities? If so, describe here.

SECTION FIVE: Current Situation

Occupation: What is your character's career? If they're a student, what year/grade/major?

Housing: Where do your character live? A house, an apartment, etc? And in what part of town?

Wealth: A general sense of how well off your character is. Are they filthy rich? Comfortable? Barely making ends meet?


Date of Birth: unknown.

Place of Birth: unknown

History: memories are a fickle thing, for james at least. At least the long term memories were fickle. its hard to remember things when you don't even have a mind of your own with which to remember them. James knows a few things though, constants despite how hard it can be to remember silly things like the past. The first of which? Messing with people is always funny. Second? Dont get attached. Silly humans always forget about you.

SECTION SEVEN: Additional Information

Tags: What content warnings do you need? What is your character's character tag?

Art Credits: If you are using images for your character they must be credited, including clarifying the type of art (fanart, original, commission, adopt, etc). If you are not using any art, note as much.

Anything else: Is there anything else you'd like to note?
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Your character's name.

Tag line: A brief, one-line description of your character.

Banner Image: If you have one, please insert an image you are using for your banner (or icon). This should be no more than 200 pixels tall. This should use tags, or the insert image button.

Banner Image Credit: Please credit the artist directly for the banner image, if you use one. You only need to credit for the artist who made the banner image.


Name: Your character's full name.

Age: Your character's age. If mental/physical/chronological age are different, please clarify.

Gender: Feel free to include pronouns as well.

Species: Please name your characters species. For humans, this should either be 'Unawakened Human', 'Awakening Human', or 'Awakened Human'.

Occupation: What is your character's career? If they're a student, what year/grade/major?

Appearance: A one line summary of what they look like. Can be a sentence or just a brief list.

Personality: A one line summary of how they act. Can be a sentence or just a brief list.

Abilities: A one line summary of their abilities. Can be a sentence or just a brief list.

Situation: A one line summary of where they live and their monetary situation. Can be a sentence or just a brief list.

SECTION TWO: Appearance

Gallery Link: If you have an off-site gallery of images for the character, please link it here.

Height: How tall are they?

Body: Include things like skin color, build, distinguishing features, etc.

Face: Note any unique characteristics, piercings, facial hair, etc.

Eyes: Color, any distinguishing features.

Hair: Length, color, any distinguishing features.

Clothes: What sort of styles do they wear?

Other: Any other characteristics not covered by the above? If your character has a particularly unusual appearance, how do they appear to unawakened characters?

SECTION THREE: Personality

Trait One: List a major personality trait, and explain it briefly.

Trait Two: List a major personality trait, and explain it briefly.

Trait Three: List a major personality trait, and explain it briefly.

Additional Information: Does your character have any unique mannerisms or notable reactions to certain common sights, sounds, topics, etc? Is there anything else you need to note about their personality?


Ability Format: Choose one or more of the three that applies: Custom Species (Name which one) / Spellcasting / Standard Traits.

Advantages: List just the names.

Disadvantages: List just the names.

Spellcasting: If your character has taken spellcasting, include their magic types and conditions here, using the template from the wiki page.

Core Advantage: List your core advantage here. Having a core advantage is optional.

Core Disadvantage: List your core advantage here. Having a core advantage is optional.

Bonus: What is your bonus? Having a bonus is optional.

Nerfs and Flavor: Are any of your character's advantages weaker than usual? Does anything visually unusual happen when they use their abilities? If so, describe here.

SECTION FIVE: Current Situation

Occupation: What is your character's career? If they're a student, what year/grade/major?

Housing: Where do your character live? A house, an apartment, etc? And in what part of town?

Wealth: A general sense of how well off your character is. Are they filthy rich? Comfortable? Barely making ends meet?


Date of Birth: Year not necessary.

Place of Birth: If it's in another world, dimension, etc, please note that.

History: Explain the character's history. Bullet points are fine, as are paragraphs.

SECTION SEVEN: Additional Information

Tags: What content warnings do you need? What is your character's character tag?

Art Credits: If you are using images for your character they must be credited, including clarifying the type of art (fanart, original, commission, adopt, etc). If you are not using any art, note as much.

Anything else: Is there anything else you'd like to note?