Starlit Avenue

Welcome to Starlit Avenue! We are an 18+ account-per-player forum roleplay, focused on a supernatural community in the Pacific Northwest. We are a slice-of-life style roleplay focusing on interpersonal drama and the struggles that come with being a discreet community of supernatural beings living in close proximity to mundane humans. To see more of what we have to offer, check out our guidebook, linked at the top of the site.

Starlit Avenue's roleplay forums are hidden from guests, due to 18+ content.

Euphemia Dvorak

Brian Hadley - Her caretaker and adopted father. Seen him at his highest and lowest. She cares for and admires him greatly.
KC - A stray she met who then became her unwanted roommate. They have since found common ground over their struggles for normalcy, and have grown almost inseparable.
Emiko Satou - Hadley's illegitimate daughter. Were friends until Emiko discovered the truth. They've since made up and see each other as sisters.
Gwen Chase - Formerly Jasmine Kennedy. Euphie got very close to her very quickly due to their shared experience as young monster hunters. Now that she has been reborn, Euphie isn't sure how to be her friend, but is nevertheless fiercely protective of her. She's been teaching her to fight so that she may protect herself.
Rosy Vox - Another former order member. Fell from her angelic status after trying to kill Euphie. Since then the two have slowly began to reconcile. Some tension remains but they've managed establish an awkward friendship.
Kurumi Satou - Emiko's mother and Brian's old lover. Euphemia respects her and views her as family.
Anaphiel - An angel. Euphie has confided her struggles with religion to her, and offered to protect her in turn. Ana has since helped her during various crises, and Euphie greatly admires her as a result.
Artemis Lind - She helped save him from enslavement by Rose Wiley. Considers him part of her circle through KC.
Leo - She helped save him from enslavement by Rose Wiley. Considers him part of her circle through KC.
Malina Olcan - Mainly met through their mutual friends. Euphie respects her and has offered her skills to assist her pack before.
Barty Crawford - Emiko's boyfriend. She tolerates him (mostly).